Hilton Head Island Sellers - A Few Home Showing Basic Tips

When selling your Hilton Head Island home, house or condo, it should always be available for showings. Sometimes it may be inconvenient for you but you never know when your buyer is going to show up. Ask your Foundation Realty real estate agent to place a lock box in a convenient place, to make it easy for other agents to show your home to potential buyers.

Leave for Showings

Prospective buyers will feel like intruders if you are at home when they visit and will have a difficult time visualizing themselves in it. Foundation Realty recommends that you vacate the property so the prospective buyers can walk around and speak freely about their likes and dislikes regarding the property.


Especially in Hilton Head Island, turn on all indoor and outdoor lights for all showings. Consider replacing lower-wattage bulbs with brighter ones where the fixture safety permits—this makes the home appear larger and more inviting. Many of the properties on Hilton Head have trees covering the natural light so make sure to keep it as light as possible.


Mold in Hilton Head Island is almost everywhere. You want the house to smell pleasant, but don't hide odors with strong, store-bought fragrances that can give your guests headaches. Instead try a potpourri pot or place a small drop of vanilla extract on light bulbs before you turn them on.

Pet Control

While Hilton Head is home to many pet lovers, try to take pets with you when you leave for a showing, if possible. Otherwise, try to keep the dogs in a penned area in the back yard and keep the cats in a specific room behind a labeled door.

Clean Up

When selling your home it is recommended that you pick up everything, don't leave anything out of place, and vacuum and dust every day. You only have one chance to make a first impression, if you want your Hilton Head Island property sold, clean early and often.

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